Specialized professional services provided by the National Biomass Association SERBIO
The National Biomass Association SERBIO cooperates with scientific institutions, foreign professional associations and institutions, companies in the country and abroad, and is therefore able to provide Professional services and information to our members and other domestic and foreign clients in order to support and promote the development of an energy system that basically uses renewable energy sources, which are the basis of faster economic development through the development of production and consumption of own energy sources, as well as the formation of saving system through the rational use of produced energy.
The services provided by our Association are intended for local governments, public institutions and enterprises, companies and individuals:
- Analysis of the possibility of replacing heating systems on fossil fuels by introducing biomass, with technical and financial analysis
- Drafting a proposal for the solution of the total energy efficiency of facilities
- Technical solutions for heating and cooling systems in industrial, commercial and residential buildings
- A business plan for your project
- Administrative assistance in applying for grants to fund projects - preparation of documentation and business plan according to a form prescribed by the provider of funds
- Analysis of Renewable Energy Market in Serbia
- Creation of complete project documentation upon request and obtaining necessary permits
- Planning, setting up and managing energy planting
- Courses and trainings related to biomass supply, logistics and quality management
- Advisory services to private forest owners related to forest management
- Organization of study tours abroad, including visits to plants that represent examples of good practice
- Connecting domestic companies with institutions and organizations abroad
- Organization of visits to market participants, according to the client's request
- Creating a database of potential buyers and suppliers
- Establishing contacts and communication with state and scientific institutions