Individual membership

Terms and methods to become a member and termination of membership

Article 5.

Member of the Association can be any natural or legal person, who accepts the objectives and Statute of the Association and submits an application for joining to the Management Board of the Association.
A minor who has attained 14 years of age can join the Association with an enclosed notarized statement of approval from his/her legal guardian.
The application for joining of a legal entity contains the name, registration number and tax identification number (VAT) of the legal entity, name, surname and ID number of the representative of that legal entity, his/her signature and the seal of the legal entity in accordance with the law.

Article 5a

An honorary member of the Association can be a person who has special merits in the development and successful operation of the association. The honorary member does not pay the membership fee. Status of the honorary member is awarded by the Assembly on the proposal of the Board of Directors. The honorary member does not have voting rights in the organs of the Association. The honorary member can participate in the activities of the Association.

Article 6.

The decision on admission to membership is made by the Steering Committee and it shall immediately notify the applicant.
A member may resign from membership by giving a written statement of resignation. For the resignation of a minor there is no need for an agreement from the member's legal representative.
A Membership in the Association is terminated due to non-compliance with the provisions of this Statute.
A member of the Association, which has not paid membership fees for more than four months after the deadline of payment, loses the membership automatically.
The decision on termination of membership is made by the Assembly, on a reasoned proposal of the Board.
Automatic exclusion of members, who have not paid membership fees, the Assembly confirms at the next regular or special session, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 6.
A member must be allowed to explain the reasons, for which a proposal for a decision on the termination of his membership in the Association is submitted, except in the case of paragraph 5 of Article 6.

The rights, obligations and responsibilities of membership

Article 7.

A member of the Association has the right to:
1. participate equally with other members in achieving the objectives of the Association;
2. directly participate in decision making at the Assembly, as well as through the bodies of the Association;
3. elect and be elected to the Association;
4. Be timely and fully informed about the work and activities of the Association.

A member of the Association shall:
1. act in accordance with the objectives and tasks of the Association;
2. actively contribute to achieving the objectives of the Association
3. participate in the activities of the Association in accordance with the interest;
4. pay the membership fee.


APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP (all fields are required)

Name and Surname (*)
Please type your full name.
Date of Birth (*)
Molimo Vas unesite godinu rođenja!
Address (*)
Molimo Vas unesite adresu!
Place (*)
Molimo Vas unesite mesto!
Phone (*)
Molimo Vas unesite broj telefona!
E-mail (*)
Invalid email address.
Da biste podneli prijavu morate prihvatiti ciljeve i statut udruženja!

Unesite ispravno kod sa slike!


National Biomass Association SERBIO
Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6/6, 21 000, Novi Sad, Serbia
Phone: 021/382 35 33
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

eu zastava
BioRES Project - Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for Woody Bioenergy has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research innovation programmer under grand agreement No 645994


The establishment of the National Biomass Association SERBIO was supported by:

NorwegianEmbassyThe Norwegian Embassy