The Steering Comitte of the BioRes project and a workshop on informing users of woody biomass

Saturday, 16 April 2016 07:40 Read 2314 times

On April 13th and 14th, the fifth meeting of the Steering Committee of the BIORES Project - Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for Woody Bioenergy was held, organized by the Regional Energy Agency of Northwest Croatia.

The main topics of the meeting, in addition to administration of the project i.e. technical and financial reporting, were the status of work packages WP4, WP5, WP6 and WP7. The following activities on feasibility study for biomass logistic centers in defined locations were particularly in focus.


At the same time, a workshop was held, organized by CARMEN, in the framework of the work package WP7 on informing the consumers of biomass, which was attended by the representatives of the organizations, that are developing specific logistic centers in Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria, together with the partners in the BIORES project.

The next meeting of the SC will take place at the end of September in Velenje, Slovenia.

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National Biomass Association SERBIO
Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6/6, 21 000, Novi Sad, Serbia
Phone: 021/382 35 33
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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BioRES Project - Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for Woody Bioenergy has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research innovation programmer under grand agreement No 645994


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