On September 10th 2015 in Bajina Basta there was a workshop on "Sustainable use of biomass and Biomass Logistic and Trade Centers (BLTCs)“, jointly organized by two projects aimed at establishing the preconditions for sustainable use of biomass in Serbia.
The project "Sustainable regional supply chain for woody bioenergy" BIORES and the project "Promotion of sustainable use of bioenergy in Zlatibor Area " BIOEN, are pooling their activities and efforts with the aim of a higher quality work and achieving better results.
The intent of the workshop was to gather in one place the relevant entities in the field of biomass production in the region (with a focus on the territory of Uzice, Cajetina and Bajina Basta), to discuss the establishment and development of the supply chain energy sources based on biomass through the establishment of Biomass logistic and trade centers (BLTC), based on examples of good practice and cooperation with European partners. BIORES project supports the establishment of such centers in Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria, where Western Serbia has been recognized as the location for some of these centers.