The Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Mining and Energy have launched auctions for the allocation of feed-in premiums for renewable energy sources, specifically for wind power plants (400 MW) and solar power plants (50 MW). This step is part of the Three-Year Incentive System Plan, which aims to allocate feed-in premiums for a total of 1,300 MW to renewable energy producers over the next three years.
EVENT: SEE ENERGY - Connect & Supply V, "Western Balkans meet new energy challenges"
DATE: October, 13-14th 2022
LOCATION: Hotel "Sheraton", Novi Sad, online via Zoom platform and YouTube channel
REGISTRATION - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Renewable energy supply and the transition to green energy are becoming increasingly important, especially during the energy crisis in Europe. Dealing with high oil, electricity and gas prices has an increasingly negative impact on citizens and the economy in the European Union. At the meeting of the European Council held on March 24 and 25 this year, it was announced that the member states will work together with the European Commission on the joint purchase of gas, hydrogen, and liquefied natural gas.
At the same time, the Western Balkans region is going through an energy crisis, and a common approach makes it easier to finance green energy and abandon coal use, said the Deputy Director of the Energy Community Secretariat, Dirk Bushle.
The fifth international investment conference SEE ENERGY- Connect & Supply on "Western Balkans to meet new energy challenges" will be held on October 13 and 14 this year at the Sheraton Hotel, Novi Sad.
The National Biomass Association "SERBIO" and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, EBRD will present the situation, current challenges, and future projects and potential solutions in the future energy transition of the entire Western Balkans region during the two-day event.
Over 40 energy experts, representatives of investors, the economy, and the most crucial state institutions from Serbia, Croatia, BiH, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Slovenia, etc., will talk about the most current topic - regional energy situation, oil, and electricity prices and future challenges, presenting solutions, technologies and sources of funding.
Austria is this year's partner country of the conference, and in addition to Austrian representatives of equipment and services, the event will be attended by representatives of companies from Germany and Italy. Considering the topicality of the topic, the interest is great, and the topics of the conference were distributed in two days in all conference halls of the "Sheraton" hotel in Novi Sad.
The two-day event will be officially opened by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia and the Minister of Mining and Energy, Prof. PhD. Zorana Mihajović, Mr. Matteo Colangeli, director of the EBRD for the Western Balkans, as well as high-ranking officials, representatives of the Energy Community Secretariat, the Austrian embassy, the EU Delegation in Serbia, as well as Mayor of the city of Novi Sad.
Topics are intended for industry, economy, agriculture, households, public companies, banks and local governments.
The event is organized with the co-organization of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EBRD and the German Organization for International Cooperation GIZ, with the support of the Ministry of Mining and Energy, the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, PU "Toplane Serbia", regional associations and associations.
SEE ENERGY-Connect & Supply IV
"Development of the bioenergy market in the energy system and district heating systems"
12-13 October 2022, hotel "Sheraton", Novi Sad, SERBIA
Target group/participants
Technology: Equipment manufacturers (domestic and foreign), equipment distributors, equipment installers,
Investment support - subsidies: state, banks, private investment funds, EU organizations
Technical and project documentation: engineers, designers, lawyers, development agencies
End-users: companies, heating plants, industry, electricity distribution, farmers, state and local government, energy agency, professional associations, pellet manufacturers, pellet machine manufacturers, service technicians, measuring instrument suppliers, forestry farms, agricultural farms, producers with organic by-products: wood processors, mills...
Sector Information / Event Description
Current world policies and market trends. Potentials and challenges of the RES market in Serbia and the Western Balkans region. The current framework, resource supply and sustainability of bioenergy. Barrier analysis and bioenergy improvement measures.
International practice and business know-how. Successful examples from the region and useful tips. Licenses, permits and project preparation.
Overview of investment opportunities and planned capacities. Remote projects heating and cogeneration plants that require investment.
Funding and co-financing opportunities. International experiences and public-private partnership.
Advanced technologies and equipment for power plants and thermal energy from biomass, cogeneration plants and district heating system heating. Innovative applications.
Support for the development of RES in Serbia, District heating systems in cooling and heating, The transition from gas to biomass, District heating in cities - good practices, Technological solutions and innovations, Technological solutions and innovations for efficient distribution of thermal energy, Sustainable distribution cogeneration systems, Legal aspects of investment and insurance, Investments and support for investment projects, Solar thermal, Heat pumps, Thermal energy from waste, Wood biomass and sustainable supply of raw materials, Wood chipping and pellet production
Partner/co-organizer: EBRD, ReDEWeB fund
Support: GIZ
Organizer: National Biomass Association “SERBIO”
Green energy production in order to protect the environment and sustainable use of agricultural and wood biomass
October, 6-7. 2021. , Novi Sad, hotel "SHERATON"
International Investment Conference: SEE ENERGY- Connect & Supply III, 6-7 October 2021
Event announcement:
The third International Investment Conference with business meetings - SEE ENERGY Connect & Supply III 2021 will be held on 6th and 7th October, 2021 in Novi Sad, hotel "Sheraton".
This year, the already well-known meeting place of business leaders, investors, decision-makers, representatives of public institutions and state bodies will exchange opinions, knowledge and information on the latest technological achievements, innovations and solutions in the field of renewable energy sources focused on the environmental protection and water management.
The two-day conference will present the potential as well as financial and institutional support for investment projects through modern green energy production technologies.
Farm owners will have the opportunity to learn about ways to efficiently use and reduce costs in the collection of biomass through the logistics of harvesting residues, transport and storage, ensiling and cleaning.
The second day of the conference is dedicated to the production of thermal energy, but in a way that does not pollute the environment, as well as the topic of water management, water supply and wastewater treatment.
The organizer, National Biomass Association "SERBIO" will host representatives of companies and investors from Austria, Germany, Hungary and the region, to exchange experiences, examples of good practice and potential joint projects. The conference will be held, like the previous time, with the physical presence of those interested, following the virus protection measures that will be current at that time, as well as through the online version of the already accepted way of holding meetings and gatherings.
You can view the conference program at the following link.
For all additional information, suggestions as well as participation in the conference, you can contact the project manager, Jelena Bunčić, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
National Biomass Association SERBIO
Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6/6, 21 000, Novi Sad, Serbia
Phone: 021/382 35 33
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
BioRES Project - Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for Woody Bioenergy has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research innovation programmer under grand agreement No 645994
The establishment of the National Biomass Association SERBIO was supported by: