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The regular meeting of the Assembly of the National Biomass Association SERBIO

Monday, 15 June 2015 17:32 Read 3728 times

On May 28th in Belgrade, the regular meeting of the National Biomass Association SERBIO took place. The Assembly unanimously passed the decision on adoption of the Report on Work and Financial Report, as well as the amendments to the Statute, and change the seat of SERBIO from Majdanpea to Novi Sad.

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For the President of the Steering Committee of the National Association was Mr Vojislav Milijić re-elected, while for the position of the Deputy President of the SC was Mr Tomislav Mićović appointed, and for members of the Board were Mr Vladimir Janković, Ms Myriam Dobrota and Mr Aleksandar Fragner elected.

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In accordance with the adopted amendments to the Statute, on June 4th the SC of SERBIO chose also the Secretary General of the Association. To the position of Secretary General SERBIO was Ms Zorica Gluvakov appointed, and the address of the Association is determined: Dože Đerđa 6, 21000, Novi Sad.

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National Biomass Association SERBIO
Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6/6, 21 000, Novi Sad, Serbia
Phone: 021/382 35 33
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

eu zastava
BioRES Project - Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for Woody Bioenergy has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research innovation programmer under grand agreement No 645994


The establishment of the National Biomass Association SERBIO was supported by:

NorwegianEmbassyThe Norwegian Embassy