The training was opened by the president of the National Biomass Association SERBIO and manager of the BioRes project in Serbia, Vojislav Milijic, B.S. in Forestry, and the BioRes trainers Boban Jovanović, B.S. in Forestry; Đorđe Marić, B.S. in Forestry, Miroslav Petrović, B.S. in Forestry and Ratko Todorović, B.S. in Forestry presented the following topics:

1) Evaluation of local potential for biomass utilization,
2) The didactic approach in working with stakeholders,
3) Development of a model of Biomass logistic and trade centers and
4) Insurance and quality confirmation of woodfuels.

The training was attended by sixty participants including: representatives of public forest enterprises, enterprises engaged in the processing and use of biomass, companies working on development of biomass logistic centers and other stakeholders, including students from the Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Technical Science.

Enclosed you can find the presentations from the training. The training manual can be downloaded here and the brochure on quality assurance of wood fuel can be downloaded here.

Published in BioRES

A conference on biomass was held on April 20th in Belgrade, within the fair RENEXPO® Western Balkans.

The conference pointed out the potentials for the use of biomass in Serbia, and presenters introduced the modern technologies.

The president of the National Biomass Association SERBIO, Vojislav Milijić, was one of the speakers, and in addition to the potential and the regulatory framework for the use of biomass, he also presented the BioRes project and announced the BioRes training – Sustainable regional supply chains for woody bioenergy RENEXPO® Western Balkans 2016.

The Video on this topic is available here or the complete contribution can be watched below.



Published in BioRES

On April 13th and 14th, the fifth meeting of the Steering Committee of the BIORES Project - Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for Woody Bioenergy was held, organized by the Regional Energy Agency of Northwest Croatia.

The main topics of the meeting, in addition to administration of the project i.e. technical and financial reporting, were the status of work packages WP4, WP5, WP6 and WP7. The following activities on feasibility study for biomass logistic centers in defined locations were particularly in focus.


At the same time, a workshop was held, organized by CARMEN, in the framework of the work package WP7 on informing the consumers of biomass, which was attended by the representatives of the organizations, that are developing specific logistic centers in Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria, together with the partners in the BIORES project.

The next meeting of the SC will take place at the end of September in Velenje, Slovenia.

Published in BioRES

On April 11th, as a visiting lecturer on the course about Organization and Management in forestry, the president of the National Biomass Association SERBIO and the BIORES Project Manager, Vojislav Milijić, had the honor of to present the National Biomass Association SERBIO and the BIORES project to the graduates of the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade. In addition, the interested students are invited to visit the BIORES training: Sustainable regional supply chains for woody bioenergy on the RENEXPO Western Balkans Fair 2016.

BioRES has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant agreement No645994, and aims to establish biomass logistic centers in Serbia, Bulgaria and Croatia.

Published in BioRES
Monday, 25 April 2016 07:30

GIZ: Biomass Logistic and Trade Centers

This video describes the innovative concept of logistic and trade centers for the development of the use of biomass as a renewable and ecological source of energy in households.

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RENEXPO® Western Balkans vas poziva da uzmete učešće na treningu Održivi regionalni lanci snabdevanja drvnim gorivima koji je deo ovogodišnjih aktivnosti na BioRES Projektu koji je finansiran od strane programa EU Horizon 2020.

O ovom projektu možete da se informišete na: i


Na treningu ćete biti upoznati sa: potencijalima korišćenja drvne biomase, metodama rada sa zainteresovanim stranama, kao i mogućnostima razvoja. Takođe, saznaćete sve o najnovijim standardima kvaliteta uključujući EU Uredbu o drvetu.


Trening: Održivi regionalni lanci snabdevanja drvnim gorivima biće održan u četvrtak, 21. aprila 2016. godine od 09:30 - 13:00 kao deo programa ovogodišnjeg RENEXPO® Western Balkans od 20. do 21. aprila u Belexpocentru u Beogradu.


Nacionalnom Asocijacijacijom za biomasu SERBIOu saradnji sa RENEXPO® Western Balkans.


Published in BioRES

Training for the interested participants on supply chains for woody bioenergy

BIORES develops the capacity of the market participants in the local supply chains and provides training for trainers for Biomass Logistic and Trade Centers (BLTC), related to business skills and quality control of woody bioenergy and sustainable forest management.

Within the project there is a study tour and training of trainers (30.11.-4.12.2015) with the aim of visiting BLTC's that represent good practice in Slovenia, Austria and southern Germany, with a workshop related to the transfer of knowledge and technology.

BIORES Training manual provides orientation for the target groups of the project, which are included in the chain of value creation related to woody bioenergy: trainers for woody bioenergy, the potential operators of new biomass logistic and trade centers, private forest owners, consultants for project development , handlers of small power stations and power plants, traders and processors of wood.

The Training manual contains three training modules:
1) Analysis of local market potential (supply and demand) with didactic approaches and motivation
2) Development and implementation of a business model BLTC
3) Quality assurance and verification requirement of sustainability including the EU regulation on wood

The manual was prepared in English and translated into national languages of the countries where the BIORES project is implemented: Bulgaria, Croatia and Serbia.

See more details and download the manual from the following address:

Published in BioRES

Between November 29th and December 4th a study tour was held, combined with training of trainers and the Steering Committee of the project.

Participants of the study tour were representatives of organizations and companies interested in forming a Biomass logistic and trade centers in Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria. The aim of the trip was to point out the logistic centers in Slovenia, Austria and Germany. A tour of the following logistic centers is organized: Biomass doo, Nazarje, Slovenia; Leoben, Niklasdorf, Austria; Achental, Grassau, Germany; and Algau, Riderau, Germany. In addition to logistic centers, participants had the opportunity to visit Graz and Munich, the last day of a trip a there was a workshop organized at the headquarters of GIZ in Bavaria Feldafing.

In addition to the study trip there war a training included for 12 future trainers, that will, within the activities of the BioRes project, use their acquired knowledge in the upcoming period for practical trainings on managing supply chains for woody bioenery in Serbia, Coatia and Bulgaria.

As part of the trip to Graz on November 30th and 01December 1st the fourth Steering Committee of the project was held. The main topics of the meeting were further activities within the work package 4, 5 and 6. The locations for the development of Biomass logistic centers were defined as well as methods of making feasibility studies for the respective locations. There are definite recommendations for a sustainable supply of woody bioenergy of standardized quality and basic concept of training for managing supply chains for woody bioenergy.

The next meeting of the Steering Committee of the project will take place in April in Zagreb.

Published in BioRES

On November 12th 2015 a workshop was held in Priboj: „Sustainable use of biomass and Biomass Logistic Centers“, organized within the project „Sustainable ragional supply chains for woody bioenergy“ BioRes. The objective of the workshop was to gather in one place the relevant entities interested in the processing and use of biomass from the environment of Priboj and Nova Varos, to discuss the establishment and development of the chain of energy supply based on biomass through the establishment of Biomass logistic and trade centers (BLTC), based on examples of good practice and cooperation with European partners. Special attention during the workshop was given to the legal and technical frameworks concerning the establishment of biomass logistic centers. BIORES project supports the establishment of such centers in Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria.

Published in BioRES

On Oktober 26th 2015 a workshop „Sustainable use of biomass and Biomass Logistic Centres“ was held in Zrenjanin, within the project „Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for woody bioenergy“ BioRes. The objective of the workshop was to gather in one place the relevant entities interested in production of woody biomass from Banat, to discuss the establishment and development of the chain of energy supply based on biomass through the establishment of Biomass logistic and trade centers (BLTC), based on examples of good practice and cooperation with European partners. Special attention during the workshop was given to the potentials for establishment of energy plantations, wich were presented by the representatives of the company Rebina Agrar. BIORES project supports the establishment of such centers in Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria.

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National Biomass Association SERBIO
Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6/6, 21 000, Novi Sad, Serbia
Phone: 021/382 35 33
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

eu zastava
BioRES Project - Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for Woody Bioenergy has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research innovation programmer under grand agreement No 645994


The establishment of the National Biomass Association SERBIO was supported by:

NorwegianEmbassyThe Norwegian Embassy