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"Green technologies" in the EU and Serbia

Monday, 09 January 2017 18:23 Read 2843 times

Ecology is becoming increasingly profitable area as evidenced by billions invested in that area and millions of new jobs. "Green technologies" form 2.5 percent of the GDP of the European Union, and have brought 3.5 million jobs and are in constant development, according Economics online.

Serbia, on the other hand, allocates only 0.4 percent of gross domestic product for ecology, and experts say that anything under 1.5 percent is insufficient for the investment in the improvement of environmental quality. It is estimated that Serbia, which wants to join the EU, will have to invest about 10 billion euros in environmental projects in the next decade, according to the text.

In the negotiations with the EU, Chapter 27 which deals with environmental issues and climate change obliges Serbia to invest in the field of ecology. Of the total amount of assistance from pre-accession funds, which Serbia has received from the EU in the past fifteen years, a quarter has been devoted to environmental protection.

Since 2000, Serbia has invested nearly 700 million euros in environmental projects, of which have benefited more than one million citizens through a better supply of clean water and waste management services, cleaner air, safer management of hazardous chemicals, but also indirectly, through better general regulations in this area.

Compliance with stringent EU directives on ecology entails significant investments, which represents an economic potential. In fact, investment in infrastructure of "green technology" and circular economy opens up the possibility for new jobs. It is estimated that Serbia will need 10 billion euros for investments in environmental protection in the next decade. Most will be invested in water management, both in the water and wastewater treatment, as well as in the rehabilitation of industrial pollution and more efficient waste management, and funding will be provided through a variety of collaborative projects with the help of the EU. It is estimated that 150,000 jobs would be created in the next five years, through various branches of the "green economy".

Source: Economic Online

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National Biomass Association SERBIO
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