BioRES training on the mountain Tara

Thursday, 01 December 2016 13:03 Read 2768 times

„Sustainable regional suply chains for woody bioenergy“

On Tuesday, November 22nd the National Biomass Association SERBIO, in cooperation with the PE National Park „Tara“ and the Finnish Institute for natural resources „Luke“, held a training on sustainable supply chains for woody bioenergy and biomass logistic and trade centres, on whose initiation in Serbia works the National Biomass Association SERBIO, within the European Project BioRES.

The training was a combination of theory and praxis, i.e. lectures and demonstration of logging and extraction of wood assortments and biomass.

The training was opened by the executive of PE National Park „Tara“, Dragić Karaklić, while the vice president of the National Biomass Association SERBIO and manager of the BioRes project in Serbia, Vojislav Milijić, had the honor to present the BioRes project and the concept of biomass logistic and trade centres. The representatives of NP Tara, Aleksandar Đurić and Branka Mitrović, presented the National Park, forest management planning in the National Park and ways of selling wood. The guests from Finland, dr Juha Laitila and dr Kari Pasanen, presented ways of using wood biomass in Finland, as well as the importance of the quality of wood fuel.

tara suma

With the expert explanations by Dragan Đurić, the participants had the opportunity to become familiar with the work on the field: the process of marking trees for logging, tree felling, tree processing and tailoring, as well as extraction of wood assortments.

Polaznici treninga obišli su i preduzeće Gorštak doo, gde im je Dragan Stanković, rukovodilac prerade drveta u preduzeću, predstavio proizvodnju drvne sečke i peleta.

The participants also had the opportunity to visit the company „Gorštak“ d.o.o, where Dragan Stanković, manager of wood procesing, presented the production of wood chips and pellets.

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National Biomass Association SERBIO
Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6/6, 21 000, Novi Sad, Serbia
Phone: 021/382 35 33
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

eu zastava
BioRES Project - Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for Woody Bioenergy has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research innovation programmer under grand agreement No 645994


The establishment of the National Biomass Association SERBIO was supported by:

NorwegianEmbassyThe Norwegian Embassy