BioRes on the RENEXPO fair

Thursday, 23 April 2015 11:42 Read 4240 times

The second international fair and conferences on renewable energy sources and energetic efficiency RENEXPO will be held on April 22nd and 23rd 2015 in Belgrade. On this year fair, SERBIO promoted the BioRes project „Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for Woody Bioenergy“, implented together with German partners – German Organization for internatial cooperation GIZ and financed by the European Union’s Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Program.

On this year RENEXPO fair, were presented the possibilities for investments in every renewable energy source and currently available projects from the region of Western Balkan.

The BioRes Project currently works on the election of priority locations for establishment of regional logistic centres in Croatia, Serbia and Bulgaria, and RENEXPO was a good opportunity for the promotion of potentials and attraction of investors interested in participating in the supply chain for woody biomass.


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 eu zastava

Projekat je podržan sredstvima Evropske unije iz programa za
istraživanje i inovacije Horizon 2020, u okviru ugovora ograntu
br. 645994
Written by 


National Biomass Association SERBIO
Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6/6, 21 000, Novi Sad, Serbia
Phone: 021/382 35 33
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

eu zastava
BioRES Project - Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for Woody Bioenergy has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research innovation programmer under grand agreement No 645994


The establishment of the National Biomass Association SERBIO was supported by:

NorwegianEmbassyThe Norwegian Embassy